Are We Doomed To Become Parents Of Teens With Mental Disorders?

#Mental health now has over 68 billion views. #Tics has 4.2 billion, #borderline personality disorder 1.5 billion and #dissociative identity disorder has 1.3 billion. Tik Tok is taking over the world, its’ algorithms pruned by an army of psychologists to suck teens in and spend hours watching reel after reel. With teens now spending up to 9 hours of screen time a day, what could possibly go wrong? Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka Multiple Personality Disorder), tic-disorders and Borderline Personality Disorder have never had prevalence rates above 2%. On all the different social media platforms, however, you find communities with aesthetically pleasing videos romanticizing symptoms and criteria for diagnosing. Influencers give the impression that having the disorder makes you “someone”. Does it then come as a surprise that clinicians everywhere are reporting that teens are self-diagnosing using the exact terms from the Diagnostic Manual? One study suggests the prevalence rate of Dis...